The Essential Guide to Managing Child Dental Trauma

As parents, we strive to keep our children safe from harm, but accidents can happen, especially when it comes to active, playful kids. One of the most common types of accidents involves dental trauma, which can be distressing for both children and parents. Understanding how to handle dental trauma in children is crucial for their oral health and overall well-being.

What is Dental Trauma?

Dental trauma refers to any injury that affects the teeth and surrounding structures. In children, this often occurs during falls, sports activities, or other accidents. The trauma can range from minor chips and cracks to more severe damage, including dislodged or knocked-out teeth.

Fractured Tooth

During a dental emergency like a fractured tooth, it's crucial to take immediate action. First, if any pieces break off, try to save them. Rinse the mouth gently with warm water and apply pressure if there's bleeding. Use a cold compress outside the mouth to reduce swelling and manage pain. Seeking urgent dental care is vital, especially for severe fractures. Your dentist or endodontist will assess the damage and recommend necessary treatments such as bonding, crowns, or root canal therapy.

Knocked-Out (Avulsed) Tooth

In the case of a knocked-out tooth, handle it delicately, holding it by the crown and avoiding touching the root. Rinse it gently with milk or saline if dirty, avoiding scrubbing or removing any attached tissue. If feasible, try to reposition the tooth back into the socket. Otherwise, store it in milk or saliva. Quick action is crucial, so seek emergency dental care within 30 minutes for the best chance of saving the tooth. Timely reimplantation might be possible if done promptly and correctly.

Loosened Tooth

Sometimes the impact of trauma can loosen your tooth. If this happens, your bite might feel unusual as some of your teeth will be in a slightly different position. You can bite slowly together and then try to gently push your tooth back into its socket.

Loose teeth can heal. If your dentist or endodontist can re-establish proper tooth position, your gums and socket bone will re-model to tighten up around your tooth. Your dentist may also choose to bond or cement a splint to connect any loose teeth to more stable neighboring teeth. This helps to support the loose teeth so that they can heal.

Prevention is Key

While accidents can be unpredictable, taking preventive measures can reduce the risk of dental trauma in children:

Use Protective Gear: Encourage the use of mouthguards during sports activities to protect teeth from impact.

Childproofing: Make sure your home is childproofed to minimize the risk of falls or accidents.

The Role of Endodontists in Child Dental Trauma

Endodontists play a crucial role in managing dental trauma, especially concerning the pulp—the inner part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. They specialize in diagnosing and treating injuries to the dental pulp, which is vital for preserving the affected tooth.


Child dental trauma can be distressing, but prompt action and seeking professional help can greatly improve the outcome. Remember to stay calm, take immediate steps, and seek dental care without delay. By prioritizing prevention and knowing what steps to take in the event of an injury, we can safeguard our children's precious smiles and ensure their long-term oral health.

If your child has experienced dental trauma, don't hesitate to contact us. Our team of experienced endodontists is here to provide the necessary care and support for your child's dental health.

Endodontics Vs Implants – Which is Better for Your Damaged Tooth

Imagine you're dealing with a damaged or severely decayed tooth. In such a situation, your dentist is likely to suggest either endodontic treatment, commonly known as a root canal, or dental implant treatment to address the problem and relieve your discomfort. But what sets these two options apart? And what advantages do they offer? Continue reading to uncover the distinctions and benefits of these treatments.


Endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy, is a tooth-saving procedure designed to remove an infection from the dental pulp and fill the cleaned area with replacement material that strengthens and protects against possible future infections. A crown restoration is often used alongside root canal treatment to restore the natural aesthetics of the affected tooth. 


Dental implants are small, titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone. They act as artificial roots upon which a dental prosthetic is securely attached. Dental implants can replace one or multiple missing, damaged, or decayed teeth to restore a smile back to its former glory.

Are you wondering whether root canal therapy or dental implant treatment is right for you? Let’s compare the benefits.


Requires extraction of the tooth

Requires longer recovery periods

Comparably longer treatment time

Is comparably more expensive

Eliminates the need for removable dental prosthetics


Saves the natural tooth from extraction

Is a painless procedure with a shorter recovery time

Is pain-relieving for those suffering from a dental infection

Is efficient and cost-effective

Restores natural function, health, and aesthetics


Endodontic treatment at Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists is a safe and comfortable solution to decaying and infected teeth. Our endodontists will help you decide which treatment is the best course of action for you, provide you with more information regarding each treatment option, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

If you're new to the experience of having a root canal treatment, it's natural to have several questions regarding what to anticipate after the procedure. In this article, we aim to address the most common concerns patients have regarding the post-root canal experience.

How long will I be numb?

During the root canal procedure, your tooth and the surrounding area will be numbed using local anesthesia, which can take several hours to wear off completely. To avoid any accidental discomfort or injury, it is best to refrain from consuming chewy foods or hot beverages until the numbness subsides.

How soon can I eat or drink after the root canal procedure?

It is advisable to wait until the local anesthesia wears off before eating. However, if you feel thirsty or hungry, it is recommended to wait 30 minutes after the treatment.

Is it okay to chew on the root canal treated tooth?

To protect the treated tooth and facilitate proper healing, it is best to avoid chewing on the side where the root canal was performed. Instead, opt for chewing on the opposite side of your mouth until your dentist places the final restoration. Additionally, it is important to steer clear of hard or sticky foods, as they may dislodge the temporary restoration.

When can I return to work?

Most individuals can return to work immediately after a root canal treatment. However, it's worth noting that your lips, teeth, cheek, and/or tongue may remain numb for several hours following the procedure. If your job involves a significant amount of speaking or interacting with the public, you might want to consider taking the rest of the day off.

Can I drive myself?

Unless your root canal treatment involves conscious sedation, it is safe for you to drive yourself to and from your appointment.

How long should I wait before brushing and flossing?

After the treatment, you should resume your normal oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing. However, it is advisable to wait 30 minutes after the root canal before brushing your teeth, ensuring that the temporary filling has hardened.

When will I be able to exercise after a root canal procedure?

It is recommended to wait until the following day before engaging in any strenuous physical activities.

Is it normal to experience soreness in the jaw or gums after the root canal procedure?

Some irritation or soreness in the gums, jaw, or injection site may occur after the root canal treatment. To alleviate any discomfort, rinse your mouth with a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm water, two to three times a day. Over-the-counter pain medication can also be used if necessary.

Will my tooth be sensitive after root canal treatment?

For a few days following the root canal treatment, you may experience tenderness in the treated tooth. This sensitivity is temporary and can be effectively managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Do I need any additional treatment following a root canal procedure?

Following a root canal, you will need to have a permanent restoration placed by your dentist. In most cases, this involves a dental crown, although a dental filling may suffice in some situations. The permanent restoration serves to protect the treated tooth from further contamination and strengthens it to prevent fractures. Rest assured that we will provide your dentist with a detailed report of your root canal treatment, including digital images for their records.


By familiarizing yourself with these post-root canal expectations, you can better prepare for a smoother recovery. Remember to consult with your endodontist for personalized advice and guidance throughout your healing process.

The Use of CBCT in the Diagnosis and Management of Root Resorption


Root resorption results in the loss of dentin, cementum, or bone by the action of clastic cells. Root resorption in permanent teeth is a pathologic process in response to inflammation that can be caused by numerous factors, such as infection, orthodontic treatment, traumatic injury, cysts, neoplasia, systemic disease, or chemical injury. Root resorption may be classified into external or internal root resorption, based on the location of the lesion. Accurate assessment is essential as the pathogenesis of external and internal root resorption is different and treatment protocols vary. Although periapical and panoramic imaging modalities may be helpful in identifying root resorption, early detection with periapical radiography is not considered reliable because of the difficulty in identifying lesions on the buccal or lingual/palatal surfaces. In contrast, CBCT makes it possible to examine the region of interest in any plane, determine accurate measurements, and eliminate tissue compression. CBCT has been used in the detection of small lesions, classification of the lesion, localizing and differentiation of the resorptive defect from other lesions, and directing treatment. CBCT aids in surgical planning by showing the relationship of the teeth and associated pathoses to important anatomic landmarks. The use of CBCT to show the true nature of external and internal resorption relies on the ability to examine the region of interest in any plane without distortion and eliminate artifacts associated with conventional radiography. Careful use of CBCT is advocated.

Antibiotic prophylaxis is the use of antibiotics before certain dental procedures to prevent bacterial infections in patients at risk. Antibiotic prophylaxis is a widely debated topic in dentistry, as there is no consensus on when antibiotics should be prescribed and which antibiotics should be used. In this blog post, we will explore the current recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis in dental procedures and the rationale behind these recommendations.

What are the Current Recommendations for Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Dental Procedures?

The American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Heart Association (AHA) have developed guidelines for the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in dental procedures. According to these guidelines, antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for patients with certain cardiac conditions undergoing dental treatment.

Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for patients with the following cardiac conditions:

  • Prosthetic heart valves.

  • Previous infective endocarditis

  • Congenital heart disease with cyanotic heart disease, unrepaired or incompletely repaired cyanotic heart disease within 6 months of surgery, or repaired congenital heart disease with residual defects.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS) also recommends antibiotic prophylaxis for patients with prosthetic joints (knee, hip, shoulder) undergoing dental procedures.

What is the Rationale behind these Recommendations?

The rationale for antibiotic prophylaxis in endodontic procedures is based on the risk of developing bacterial infections in patients with certain medical conditions. Patients with cardiac conditions are at an increased risk of developing infective endocarditis, a serious infection of the heart valves or inner lining of the heart. Likewise, patients with prosthetic joints are at an increased risk of developing joint infections.

What are other Reasons to Require Antibiotics before a Dental Procedure?

At Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists, we may also recommend antibiotics for patients with compromised immune systems who are generally at a higher risk of infection. Additionally, patients with an acute or chronic infection in the mouth, particularly those accompanied by symptoms such as fever or swelling, may require antibiotics before their endodontic treatment to prevent the spread of infection. Our team is dedicated to providing safe and effective treatment, and we will work with you to determine if antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary in your specific situation.

Dental anxiety is a common problem that many patients experience when it comes to dental procedures. This fear can prevent people from seeking the necessary dental treatments, especially in cases of endodontic treatment. However, with advancements in dentistry, there are now options available to help patients manage their anxiety during endodontic procedures. One of these options is anxiolysis.

Anxiolysis is a type of sedation dentistry that uses medication to help calm and relax patients during their dental procedures. This can be beneficial for patients who experience mild to moderate anxiety or who have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time. Anxiolysis can also help patients who have a strong gag reflex, which can make dental procedures uncomfortable.

One of the most common types of medication used for anxiolysis is benzodiazepines. These medications can be taken orally one hour before an endodontic procedure to help to reduce anxiety by slowing down the central nervous system.

One of the benefits of anxiolysis is that patients remain conscious throughout the procedure. This means that they can communicate with their dentist and follow instructions. Additionally, anxiolysis is a safe and effective option for most patients, as long as the appropriate precautions are taken. We will evaluate your medical history and current medications to determine which type of anxiolysis is best for you.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, anxiolysis can be an excellent option to help you feel more comfortable during endodontic treatment. With the help of this sedation technique, you can undergo your procedure with minimal discomfort and anxiety. Talk to us today to learn more about anxiolysis and how it can help you feel more relaxed during your next dental visit.

Celebrating Five Years of Improved Outcomes at Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists

Posted on April 23, 2023

Root canal therapy has been revolutionized with the introduction of GentleWave technology. This cutting-edge system uses advanced fluid dynamics and acoustic energy to provide a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection process that is minimally invasive and highly effective. Traditional root canal treatment methods are often time-consuming, uncomfortable, and require multiple visits, but with the GentleWave System, patients can expect a more efficient and comfortable experience.

What is the GentleWave System?

The GentleWave System is a breakthrough technology that uses advanced fluid dynamics and acoustic energy to clean and disinfect the entire root canal system. Unlike traditional root canal treatment, which relies on manual instrumentation and irrigation to remove infected or inflamed tissue, the GentleWave System delivers a comprehensive cleaning and disinfection process that is minimally invasive and highly effective.

How does it work?

The GentleWave System uses a combination of fluid dynamics and acoustic energy to create a vortex of cleaning fluid within the root canal system. The fluid is then agitated by high-frequency sound waves, which create bubbles that implode and release energy, disrupting and removing even the smallest particles of debris and bacteria from the canal walls.

The system is also designed to preserve the natural anatomy of the tooth, reducing the need for secondary procedures such as apicoectomies or extractions.

What are the benefits of the GentleWave System?

The GentleWave System offers several advantages over traditional root canal therapy. These include:

  • More effective cleaning: The GentleWave System can remove more debris and bacteria from the root canal system than traditional methods, leading to better outcomes and a reduced risk of reinfection.

  • Minimally invasive: Because the GentleWave System is less invasive than traditional root canal treatment, it can preserve more of the natural tooth structure, reducing the need for further dental work in the future.

  • Faster treatment times: The GentleWave System can complete root canal therapy in a single visit, reducing the need for multiple appointments and saving patients time and money.

Is the GentleWave System right for you?

If you are experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, it may be a sign that you need root canal treatment. The GentleWave System is an excellent option for patients who want a minimally invasive, highly effective solution for their endodontic needs.

Please contact us about the benefits of the GentleWave System. With its minimally invasive approach, faster treatment times, and improved outcomes, it may be the best option for your endodontic needs.

Dr. George Jong and Dr. Anastasia Mischenko have been honored with selection on the ‘2023 Best Dentists’ List from Washingtonian Magazine. Each year the top professionals in the Washington, D.C. region are selected for the prestigious honor by their peers.

At Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists, practice leaders Dr. George Jong and Dr. Anastasia Mischenko provide high-quality, patient-centric endodontic care, with a focus on saving natural teeth. Both endodontists are committed to utilizing the latest advances in endodontic technology and techniques, ensuring that their patients receive the highest quality of care.

Dr. Jong and Dr. Mischenko’s recognition by their peers as the top endodontists in the region is a testament to their passion, dedication, and expertise.

Washingtonian Magazine’s prestigious biennal industry-specific awards honors the top professionals in their field. Professionals are evaluated on their years of experience, continuing education and dental academies, manner with patients, use of new techniques and technologies, previous awards, and physical results.

Posted on April 8, 2023

If you've been told that you need a root canal, you may be feeling anxious or unsure about the procedure. However, root canal therapy is a common and highly effective treatment that can save a damaged or infected tooth from extraction. Here's what you need to know about the process.

First, it's important to understand why a root canal may be necessary. When the inner layer of a tooth (known as the pulp) becomes inflamed or infected, it can cause significant pain and even lead to an abscess if left untreated. Root canal therapy involves removing the damaged or infected pulp, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and filling it with a special material to prevent further infection.

During the procedure, your endodontist will numb the affected area and create a small opening in the tooth to access the pulp. Using specialized tools, they will carefully remove the pulp and shape the inside of the tooth. Once the pulp is removed, the tooth will be sealed with a temporary filling and allowed to heal. In a follow-up appointment, a permanent filling or crown will be placed to protect the tooth and restore its function.

Contrary to popular belief, root canals are not painful. In fact, the procedure is designed to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the infected pulp. Most patients report feeling little to no discomfort during the procedure and experience relief from their symptoms soon after.

At Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists, we understand that the thought of a root canal can be daunting. That's why we are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality care in a comfortable and stress-free environment. Our team of experienced professionals has the expertise and compassion to guide you through the process and help you achieve optimal oral health.

If you think you may need a root canal or have any questions about the procedure, don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. 

Drs. Barry Pass and Martin D. Levin to Speak at National Institues of Science and Technology

Posted on May 29, 2017

The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) will host a seminar titled “Analyses of Dental Remains from 1607 Jamestown, Virginia using Micro-CT Imaging, SEM-EDX/Raman Spectroscopy and Paleobotany” on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. NIST forensic scientists and other guests will attend.

Presenters: Barry Pass, DDS, PhD, Howard University; Martin D. Levin, DMD, University of Pennsylvania

Abstract: The first English settlement in North America was established in 1607, at Jamestown, VA. The first casualty in Jamestown was a 15 year old boy, the apparent victim of an Indian attack. His excavated remains show an arrow head at the thigh, broken left collarbone, and anterior mandible with Ellis Type III fracture of mandibular left central incisor, with significant periapical pathological bone resorption. The objectives of this multidisciplinary study are to elucidate the nature and chronology of odontogenic cause(s) of mandibular pathosis evident in 1225B skeletal remains, and analyze contents of fractured teeth root canals to assist assembling a corporeal and physiological history. This case presentation will impact the forensic and archeological communities by demonstrating how evidence-based science and technology can improve efficiency, quality, accuracy, reliability, and functional excellence in forensic sciences.


Dr. Barry Pass is presently Professor of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology in the Howard University College of Dentistry and Graduate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He has a PhD in physics, a DDS, completed post-graduate training in oral and maxillofacial radiology, and maintains a referral practice in that dental specialty. His past research interests were centered on using electron spin resonance in dental enamel for human radiation dosimetry of unintended exposures to ionizing radiation. Cohorts that he has studied include military participants of atomic weapons testing during and after WWII and victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Dr. Pass also maintains research interests in dental diagnostic imaging and is currently involved in forensic radiographic and spectroscopic studies of skeletal remains from the 1607 Jamestown Fort in Virginia.

Dr. Martin Levin is in private practice limited to endodontics in Chevy Chase, Maryland. He is Adjunct Professor of Endodontics and Chair of the Dean”s Council at the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as Co-Chair of the Joint Special Committee on the Use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography, American Association of Endodontists and the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Dr. Levin is currently appointed to the AAE?s Special Committee to Develop an Outcomes Consensus Conference. He is a contributor to the “Pathways of the Pulp,” and “Ingle’s Endodontics,” as well as the author of numerous book chapters and peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Levin earned his degree in dental medicine and completed his endodontic training at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics.

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Dr. Levin to Present at the Society for Historical Archaeology

Posted on September 21, 2016

Dr. Levin examining the root canal of specimen JR 1225B in the Department of Biomedical Engineering lab at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA.

The Society for Historical Archaeology has invited Martin D. Levin, DMD and D. Joshua Cohen, MD to present a lecture at their annual meeting, SHA 2017 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology to be held on January 4-8, 2017 in Fort Worth, Texas. The title of the presentation is “A Detailed Analysis of the Dentition of Jamestown’s First Settlers.”

The lecture will highlight the work of archaeologists and an interdisciplinary team of researchers who are studying the skull and dentition of a 15-year-old boy (JR1225B) who appears to have been the victim of a battle with Native Americans during the initial settlement at Jamestown in 1607. Specimens recovered from the boy’s teeth and jaws yield clues about diet and other aspects of daily life in the 17th century.

Detailed study of the remains began with the morphological and temporal study of the skull and teeth using cone-beam computed tomography, intraoral radiography, micro computed, scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The exposed root canal of the mandibular left central incisor and carious lesion provides a unique repository of particulate matter in the oral cavity and the associated intra-alveolar periapical lesion.

This research shows how advanced technologies can be used to characterize aspects of life and the disease state of skeletal remains.

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Dr. Levin to Lecture at the 10th World Endodontic Congress

Posted on April 19, 2016

Dr. Levin, Adjunct Professor of Endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania, will present a keynote lecture and pre-congress workshop at the International Federation of Endodontic Associations in Cape Town, SA, 10th World Endodontic Congress.

His pre-congress workshop will highlight limited field of  view CBCT in Endodontics.  “In  endodontics, the region of interest is generally small and pre-­determined, favoring the selection of limited field of view (FOV) CBCT scans with lower x-­ radiation exposure, smaller volumes  to be interpreted and increased resolution.  All radiographs require careful and complete analysis because they may contain  findings that  affect the health of the patient. This hands-­on program will present a systematic method for navigating and documenting high resolution, limited FOV scans using multiple  clinical cases.”

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Our Patients’ Words Mean a Lot to Us.

Posted on March 30, 2016

We love hearing from all of our patients. Experiences like the one below make our day, thanks for sharing.

“An Exceptional & Professional Experience

Please read this in its entirety and hopefully it will save you some time researching Dr. Jong and Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists. You won’t go wrong choosing this endodontist.

I was on out of town business travel this week in DC when an excruciating toothache flared up in a tooth I had been previously advised might need a root canal. Being out of town, my primary dentist was unable to refer me to anyone in the area. I was extremely concerned about choosing the “wrong” endodontist. I was desperate, and in my extreme discomfort I researched scores of local endodontist practices, and decided on Dr. George Jong of Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists. It was a chance but one I had to take.

After two days & nights of suffering, I called first thing in the morning and explained my circumstances. They rearranged scheduling to accommodate me with an appointment within several hours. 

As soon as I walked in, I was relieved to see a first rate, spotlessly clean, professional office and was greeted by especially helpful staff.  I was shown to the exam area which had all state of the art equipment, including video TV on the ceiling for the enjoyment of patients.

I was introduced to Dr. Jong who I cannot say enough about. He is one genuinely caring professional with a most calming demeanor who patiently explained everything to me before taking X-rays which were immediately shown to me on a big color screen. 

We went forward with the root canal procedure and although I had only had one performed prior to this, it was as pleasant and painless as I could imagine it could be. Dr. Jong kept updating me throughout the process as he knew I wanted to be. I have to say the video on the ceiling was especially helpful in helping the time pass for me.

Upon completion, Dr. Jong again explained everything to me. In addition to his high level of professionalism, he is an exceptionally nice person. When I left, he provided me with his cell phone # and asked that I please call if I experienced any complications. (I haven’t met another doctor who did that).

That evening, thankful for the relief he had provided, I was out to dinner when I received the following text message: “Hi Shane, Dr. Jong here. Just checking to make sure you are doing ok.”

That was the icing on the cake for me.

I highly recommend Dr. Jong and his staff if you need professional, caring and pleasant orthodontic care. He takes great pride in his work and it shows. I guess the only down side for me is that I will likely never see him again.

Thank you again Dr. Jong and staff. 

PS: When I returned to the Boston area and had the permanent crown completed by my (very particular) primary dentist, he made it a point to comment on what an exceptional done had been done on the root canal.”

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Dr. Levin to speak at the Oregon Dental Conference, 2016

Posted on March 22, 2016

Dr. Levin has been invited to lecture at the Oregon Dental Conference to be held in Portland, WA on April 7-9, 2016. Dr. Levin will address the conference on the use of CBCT in Endodontics and will base his program on the current literature. Central to his lecture are the limitations of intraoral radiography: compression of 3D structures, geometric distortion, magnification and the misrepresentation of structures. CBCT allows for the 3D assessment of odontogenic and non-odontogenic lesions, root canal morphology, revision treatment, root and alveolar fractures, resorptive lesions, anatomy prior to surgery and outcomes.

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We Like Reading About Our Patients’ Experience.

Posted on March 8, 2016

It is motivating to receive such kind words from our patients. We are proud of our team of professionals.

“Anastasia is amazing doctor, she has a wonderful manner and comprehensive knowledge. she provided very detailed consultation, explaining our treatment plan. I had some questions later, and I called Anastasia and left a message. she immediately called me back and talked with me about my concerns. I never experienced any problems during treatment, and it was a real pleasure to work with Anastasia and her team. will definitely recommend her to my friends and family.”

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Endodontistreview

We Love Hearing From Our Patients!

Posted on February 15, 2016

The well being of our patients is what matters the most to us, as well as being there when you need us.

“I was sent to Dr. George Jong as an emergency case. He saw me immediately and cleaned out a very bad infection but noted  it was so deep that it would take more treatment before the root canal could be completed. He checked in with me several times and even opened up the office at night the next day when it appeared the antibiotics were not working and the infection was spreading. He is quick, efficient, and very gentle. His staff likewise. I had no pain in the treatment and could relax in the chair knowing I was in good hands. I only wish he was qualified to perform surgery on my shoulder, I’d use him immediately, I have that much confidence in him. And, he never lectured me about waiting so long to get the infection treated! He and his staff are keepers, I highly recommend them.”

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged emergency root canalreview

Thank you for your kind words!

Posted on January 20, 2016

Our team strives to provide professional and personalized endodontic care to our patients, and we very much enjoy sharing feedback from our patients like the one below.

“Listen, when you hear that you have to have a root canal, you’re understandably nervous. However, as soon as I walked into the office, Dr Mischenko and her staff put me completely at ease. They are the consumate pros. The procedure itself felt like it took no time at all, and I literally didn’t feel any discomfort during or after the procedure. It’s been about 16 months since I had the work done, and things couldn’t be better! I cannot reccomend dr Mischenko highly enough to anyone and everyone!”

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Drs. Mischenko and Jong Invited to Speak at ZCZ Study Club

Posted on November 17, 2015

Drs. Anastasia Mischenko and George Jong will address the ZCZ Study Club on the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in endodontics. This program will emphasize the benefits of 3D assessments over conventional 2D imagining of endodontic lesions.  The lecture will use case studies to illustrate the effect of periapical disease on supporting structures and proximal tissues.

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Foreign Delegation of Dentists Attending the American Dental Association Annual Meeting Hosted at Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists

Posted on November 5, 2015

Dr. John Olmstead, past President of the American Association of Endodontists, escorted 15 dentists from overseas for a lecture and office tour at Bethesda-Chevy Chase Root Canal Specialists. These dentists were attending the American Dental Association annual meeting being held in Washington, DC. Among the countries represented were Italy, Germany, Japan, Philippines, Jordan and Brazil.