
If you're new to the experience of having a root canal treatment, it's natural to have several questions regarding what to anticipate after the procedure. In this article, we aim to address the most common concerns patients have regarding the post-root canal experience.

How long will I be numb?

During the root canal procedure, your tooth and the surrounding area will be numbed using local anesthesia, which can take several hours to wear off completely. To avoid any accidental discomfort or injury, it is best to refrain from consuming chewy foods or hot beverages until the numbness subsides.

How soon can I eat or drink after the root canal procedure?

It is advisable to wait until the local anesthesia wears off before eating. However, if you feel thirsty or hungry, it is recommended to wait 30 minutes after the treatment.

Is it okay to chew on the root canal treated tooth?

To protect the treated tooth and facilitate proper healing, it is best to avoid chewing on the side where the root canal was performed. Instead, opt for chewing on the opposite side of your mouth until your dentist places the final restoration. Additionally, it is important to steer clear of hard or sticky foods, as they may dislodge the temporary restoration.

When can I return to work?

Most individuals can return to work immediately after a root canal treatment. However, it's worth noting that your lips, teeth, cheek, and/or tongue may remain numb for several hours following the procedure. If your job involves a significant amount of speaking or interacting with the public, you might want to consider taking the rest of the day off.

Can I drive myself?

Unless your root canal treatment involves conscious sedation, it is safe for you to drive yourself to and from your appointment.

How long should I wait before brushing and flossing?

After the treatment, you should resume your normal oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing. However, it is advisable to wait 30 minutes after the root canal before brushing your teeth, ensuring that the temporary filling has hardened.

When will I be able to exercise after a root canal procedure?

It is recommended to wait until the following day before engaging in any strenuous physical activities.

Is it normal to experience soreness in the jaw or gums after the root canal procedure?

Some irritation or soreness in the gums, jaw, or injection site may occur after the root canal treatment. To alleviate any discomfort, rinse your mouth with a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 cup of warm water, two to three times a day. Over-the-counter pain medication can also be used if necessary.

Will my tooth be sensitive after root canal treatment?

For a few days following the root canal treatment, you may experience tenderness in the treated tooth. This sensitivity is temporary and can be effectively managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Do I need any additional treatment following a root canal procedure?

Following a root canal, you will need to have a permanent restoration placed by your dentist. In most cases, this involves a dental crown, although a dental filling may suffice in some situations. The permanent restoration serves to protect the treated tooth from further contamination and strengthens it to prevent fractures. Rest assured that we will provide your dentist with a detailed report of your root canal treatment, including digital images for their records.


By familiarizing yourself with these post-root canal expectations, you can better prepare for a smoother recovery. Remember to consult with your endodontist for personalized advice and guidance throughout your healing process.